Three Services of Worship are held each Sunday…
at 9.00am, 10.30am and also at 5.00pm.
We are a group of people who seek to proclaim the never changing message of Jesus to an ever changing society.
We offer both traditional and more contemporary styles of worship.
What links us together as a family is the desire to worship and serve our Lord and Saviour, Jesus Christ.

Steve Mannyx
(4721 2440)

Hugh Prattis
(0410 888 773)
To be a loving and worshiping community of God’s people that builds His kingdom
in the power of the Spirit by training, equipping and mobilising its members to be
disciples of Jesus who make disciples.
The 9.00am morning service has a more traditional format and music, with the REVIVE worship service at 5pm following a less traditional format, with a more contemporary music focus and greater opportunity for interaction and discussion.
The second morning service at 10.30am has a special ‘young families’ focus and is held at the same time as Kids’ Church (formerly Sunday School) with a creche available for babies and toddlers during this service.
A Loop System for Hearing Aids is installed for the convenience of those members
of the congregation who need hearing support.
“Why not come along and see which service best suits your needs?”
9 Doonmore Street, Penrith – opposite Penrith Primary School
You are important to God, known by name, loved and cared for.
You may not feel any love but that does not mean God doesn’t love you.
When you turn your back on God you cut yourself off from the love which God is showing you, for when you turn your back you cannot see what He is offering.
God will never turn His back on you.
It’s time you turned to God.
You are assured of a warm welcome at our church.
Why don’t you come along and find out more for yourself?
Recordings of the weekly sermons are available for listening on our website.
Audio copies of each sermon are also available from the sound desk operators at the rear of the church – please ask if you would like one!
Please stay and join us for a cuppa after the service – everyone is welcome!
is a sister church that meets for worship services (in the Mandarin language) and Bible Study on our premises each week.