Our Vision for Pastoral Care

The vision that the session has implemented within this congregation is the vision of a church that in reality strives to care for every member – a church that allows no one to slip between the floorboards by our neglect of that person.

This vision is the closest thing we have discovered in terms of obeying as a church Christ’s command for us to love one another – and therefore for us to honour and glorify our God.

The session has defined pastoral care in the following terms:

“pastoral care is caring for another by giving one’s self in Christian love to a loving and supporting relationship both in times of weakness and in times of strength.”

The specific goals of our pastoral care program are as follows:

* to develop the practice of loving care that encompasses “every member” of the church so that all people within the church are cared for.

* to expand and to recognise the gifts of the members of the church in caring for one another

* to care for new people entering into the fellowship of the church and to incorporate them into the church family.

“Pastoral care is Christians caring for other Christians through all circumstance of life and helping them come to the Lord Jesus Christ who cares for them as a good shepherd cares for his sheep. This care is also extended to those who are not Christians as a sign of God’s love for them in the hope that they will be drawn to Christ.  Care is shown through demonstrating Christian love, friendship, caring, good listening, practical help, prayer and God’s Word, the Bible.”

Six Key Areas of Pastoral Care include…

Showing Christian Love and Showing You Care

Praying for the People You Care For

Giving Practical Help

Being a Good Listener

Praying with the People You Care For

Using the Bible to Encourage and Challenge