
7 Items

“Thanksgiving Service” (10/3/24)


Title: Verse: Psalm 126:3 Psalm 126, 1 Thessalonians 1:2-10 BIG IDEA: We rejoice and give thanks for what God has done (esp. the cross and resurrection) and we trust him for what will happen (esp. the return of Jesus). SERMONVIDEOLINK

“The Pilgrim’s Destination” (18/2/24 @ 9am)


Title Verse: Psalm 122:1 Psalm 122, 125; Luke 19:37-48 BIG IDEA: God is our destination in the New Jerusalem and Christ brings us to him through his death, so we journey through life as those who belong to him. SERMONVIDEOLINK

“Fruit of the Spirit: Faithfulness” (12/11/2023 @ 5pm)


Key verse: Psalm 33:4 Psalm 146; Galatians 5:13-26 Big idea: Faithfulness is being loyal, reliable, and trustworthy in your relationships and dealings. God is always faithful, and we should respond to him with faith and faithfulness shown to others. SERMONVIDEOLINK