“Faith and Deeds” (Ben – 29/12/24)
Title Verse – James 1: 22 James 1:19-27/2:14-26; Matthew 25:31-46 Big idea: As disciples we follow Jesus with all our hearts, and live out our faith with action. SERMONVIDEOLINK
Title Verse – James 1: 22 James 1:19-27/2:14-26; Matthew 25:31-46 Big idea: As disciples we follow Jesus with all our hearts, and live out our faith with action. SERMONVIDEOLINK
Title Verse: Matthew 16:24 Matthew 16:13-27; 1 Peter 4:1-11 Big Idea: The power of God is not power as the world sees it, and the price we are called to pay is not a price that any in the world can make sense of. SERMONVIDEOLINK
Title Verse: Matthew 15:10-11 Matthew 15:1-20; Romans 7:14-25 Big Idea: Our hearts are the issue, not what we eat, wear, or do, and we need God’s help to change our hearts.. SERMONVIDEOLINK
Title Verse: Matthew 5:8 Bible Passage 1: 2 Kings 17:24-41 Bible Passage 2: John 4:1-42 Big Idea: The masks we wear and the masks we put on others conceal the truth, but God sees our hearts. SERMONVIDEOLINK
Title Verse: Matthew 5:8 Passage 1: Isaiah 6; Passage 2: Luke 18:35-1910 Big Idea: God reveals himself to those who long to see him, not those who we might think are worthy (including ourselves!). SERMONVIDEOLINK