Sermons by Steve Mannyx

110 of 46 items

“The Worshipping Community” (Steve – 12/1/25 @ 5pm)


Title Verse: Romans 12:1 Romans 11:25-12:2, Leviticus 1:1-13 BIG IDEA:  In response to God’s mercy in Christ, Christians give to God the totality of who they are to God in worship and to be transformed with a different perspective on life and discernment of his will. SERMONVIDEOLINK

“The Son of God” (Steve – 22/12/24 am)


Title Verse: John 1:14 Hosea 11: 1-11;  John 5: 16-30 BIG IDEA: Jesus is the Son of God – son of David, second Adam, true Israel and God himself – so we should look to him and see his greatness and respond to his love. SERMONVIDEOLINK

“The Son of Man” (Steve – 15/12/24 am)


Hebrews 2: 5-18; Daniel 7: 1-15 Part 1: Jesus is the Son of Man, sharing in our humanity and beginning a new humanity. Part 2: Jesus is the apocalyptic Son of Man, in whom the plan of God is revealed for his kingdom. SERMONVIDEOLINK