“GREED and GENEROSITY” (Hugh – 2/6/24 @ 5pm) 3 June 2024 by Hugh Prattis Key verse: Proverbs 27:20 Bible readings: (see sheet) Prov. 11:24-26; 15:27; 17:5; 19:17; 21:13, 25-26; 22:9, 16, 22-23; 23:1-3, 6-8, 19-21; 25:14, 16; 27:20; 28:7-8, 22, 25, 27; 29:4; Romans 1:21-25 Big idea: Gluttony, and stinginess may look quite different, but they both stem from replacing God with his creation. Christians can conquer gluttony and stinginess because we know we have unmeasurable riches in Christ. SERMONVIDEOLINK